June 1, 2024
User Collaboration
User Collaboration
Enhanced User Management & Collaboration
These user updates are designed to significantly enhance the collaboration experience and simplify the user experience across teams:
Greater Visibility for Collaborators: Collaborators now have access to additional record types, including POAMs and Objectives, ensuring everyone stays informed and can contribute effectively.
Bulk User Addition: Administrators can now add multiple users of the same type in one go, speeding up onboarding and helping teams get up and running faster.
Expanded Stakeholder Assignments: Stakeholders can now be assigned to more record types, such as Products, Customers, and Business Processes, for more inclusive assessments.
Task Monitoring on Objectives: A new Task Widget is available directly on Objectives records, making it easier for teams to track progress and stay aligned with their goals.
Improved Maturity Level Sorting: The sorting of maturity levels now matches Control Implementations with Controls, resulting in a more intuitive experience.
Expanded Connection Types: Enjoy greater flexibility by creating the same types of connections between Control Implementations and other records as you can with Controls.