Product Update | February 2021

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In this update, we are adding some highly requested features including customizable risk Heatmaps, Organizational Scopes, Control Implementations, and improved Policy Versioning.  

Heat Maps 2.0 

Add context to your data sets and summarize your risk assessment results with our new Heatmap charts. Provide your team with a snapshot of your Risk Analysis to quickly develop a targeted plan of action. Customize your Heatmaps by selecting chart type, style, and cut-off limits. 

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Bubble heat maps

Policy Versioning Improvements 

Simplify your Policy Management workflow and get the most out of your policies with our latest improvements to Policy Versioning. Edit Policy details and add supplementary comments indicating changes across policy versions directly in tab.   

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View policy details and sort by date

Manage Policy Versions by Publish Date and review Policies chronologically to close any gaps in documentation.  

Versioning Widget

Scopes & Control Implementations 

Accessible under Organization in the navigation bar, our new Scopes and Control Implementations streamline multiple processes while providing users with greater visibility and control of their compliance program.   

With Scope and Control Implementations enabled in StandardFusion, teams can quickly apply Controls to different business units that simultaneously satisfy multiple framework requirements.   

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Scopes of Business Units
  • Scopes – used to encompass a business unit, a geographic region, or another sub-grouping within an organization’s GRC implementation 
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Control Implementations tab
  • Control Implementations allow you to break down an individual control and customize it to different scopes  

Set the Scope for your business units, create Scope-specific tasks, track Control Implementations and connect different Scopes to multiple Programs for a more efficient management experience.  

See your business units’ implementation status both from a Compliance and Organizational point of view and make any necessary updates with our new Scope Overview.   

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Scope Overview

Users can also view and access Scope details in the Control Summary Report, Implementation Overview, or Program Overview, and generate reports for your specific organizational needs.  

Reporting Changes  

  • Report preparation dropdowns are now searchable  
  • Task Summary Report can now include Task Results and their Comments  
  • Connections Lists on reports are now grouped by Type then ordered by Display Name  

 UI/UX Changes  

  • Company logos can be added to Vendor Questionnaires 
  • Task Results can be multi-selected and deleted